I & M Bank House 3rd Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue

The Imperative of Inclusive Governance: Breaking Barriers to Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards

In the realm of Corporate Governance, the composition of boardrooms has long been a topic of discussion and debate. One particularly contentious issue has been the lack of gender diversity on corporate boards, with some organizations still maintaining all-male or all-female boards. Historically, gender representation in corporate boardrooms in Kenya and around the world has been heavily skewed towards men, limiting women’s opportunities for leadership and decision-making roles. However, in recent years, an era marked by progress and a growing recognition of the importance of diversity, such practices are increasingly being questioned and there is a growing recognition of the need for gender balance to harness diverse perspectives and promote equitable outcomes. For example, in Kenya, The Constitution of Kenya, enacted in 2010, provides a strong foundation for promoting gender equality. Article 27(8) specifically emphasizes the need to ensure gender balance and demonstrates an affirmative action to redress past imbalances. In addition, the Capital Markets Act of 2015 corporate Governance Guidelines for Institutions outlines the code of Corporate Governance Practices for listed companies in Kenya, requires companies to consider gender when appointing board members

Improved Representation and Perspective

One of the fundamental reasons why gender diversity on corporate boards is crucial is the principle of representation. Boards are responsible for making strategic decisions that shape the trajectory of a company, and they should reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of the stakeholders they serve.

Gender diversity ensures that the voices of women, who constitute roughly half of the global population and a significant consumer base, are not marginalized or overlooked. It brings forth different viewpoints, leading to a more balanced decision-making process and reducing the risk of groupthink.

Enhanced Performance and Innovation

Numerous studies have shown a positive correlation between gender-diverse boards and improved corporate performance. A Research recently conducted on the effect of gender inclusivity on Boards found that companies with diverse executive teams, including gender diversity, are more likely to outperform their less diverse counterparts.

Diverse boards bring a wider range of skills, expertise, and ideas to the table, fostering innovation and creativity. This diversity of thought enables companies to adapt to changing market dynamics, identify new growth opportunities, and respond more effectively to challenges.

Better Talent Pool and Reputation

By excluding an entire gender from corporate boardrooms, companies limit their access to a substantial portion of the talent pool. Embracing gender diversity expands the pool of qualified individuals eligible for board positions, allowing organizations to tap into a broader range of skills and experiences.

This inclusivity attracts top talent, enhances corporate reputation, and increases the potential for attracting diverse customers and investors who value ethical and responsible governance practices.

 Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of gender diversity on boards and have taken steps to address the issue through legislation and regulations. Many countries, including Norway, France, and Germany, have implemented quotas or introduced voluntary targets for gender representation on corporate boards. Compliance with these regulations not only assists organizations avoid legal repercussions but also signals a commitment to diversity and inclusion, positively impacting their reputation. In Kenya for Instance, the Capital Markets Act of 2015 Code of Corporate Governance Practices for Issuers of Security to the Public outlines the code of Corporate Governance Practices for listed companies in Kenya, requires public companies both listed and unlisted to consider gender when appointing board members

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Imperative

Embracing gender diversity on boards is not just a matter of corporate social responsibility; it is an ethical imperative. Organizations have a moral obligation to promote fairness, equal opportunity, and respect for human rights within their own structures. Gender diversity in leadership positions is a tangible step towards reducing gender inequality and dismantling systemic barriers that hinder women’s progress in the workplace. By championing diversity, companies can become advocates for societal change and contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable world.

Corporate Governance therefore dictates that companies should not have boards composed exclusively of men or women. Gender diversity on corporate boards is not merely a box to be ticked or a politically correct gesture; it is a strategic imperative. By ensuring gender diversity, companies can benefit from a broader range of perspectives, enhance their performance and innovation, access a larger talent pool, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and fulfill their ethical obligations. Ultimately, inclusive governance strengthens the fabric of organizations, promotes sustainable growth, and paves the way for a more equitable future.