I & M Bank House 3rd Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue
06 Sep 2022
The Need for Accounting Software

Did You Know? The first accounting software was developed in 1978 when Visicalc and Peachtree Software were introduced. Visicalc was the first spreadsheet software that enabled financial modeling on the computer, while Peachtree Software was an accounting software package for the early personal computer.

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30 Aug 2022
Working Capital Management

Working capital is a critical aspect of any business for the smooth running of its operations and is an indicator of the financial health of a business.

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24 Aug 2022
Doing Business Internationally

International business involves producing and/ or selling goods and services cross-border, between countries. International business can be carried out in several ways.

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17 Aug 2022
Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a Catalyst to Infrastructure Development in Kenya

Kenya’s development blueprint, “Vision 2030” aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.

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10 Jun 2022
Practical Guide to Restrictive Covenants in Contractors

Most employers are wary that their employees may leave employment and set up a competing venture to that of the employer’s business...

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01 Apr 2022
Formalising your Business

The beginning of the new year is traditionally a time for goal-setting. You may be among the many who have made a resolution to start an online business in the new year, either as a hobby...

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