I & M Bank House 3rd Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue

New Year, New Board Resolutions 

Forget New Year’s resolutions that fade away – for boards, the new year presents a unique opportunity, not for fleeting vows, but for a transformative renaissance. It’s a time to shed the skin of complacency and embrace the ever-shifting sands of corporate governance with renewed vigour and strategic foresight. 

In 2024, “stronger board” isn’t just a catchy slogan, it’s an imperative. Recent ESG scandals, shareholder activism, and heightened regulatory scrutiny demand a proactive approach. So, how do we turn resolutions into action? Let’s explore some key trends that can guide your board to new heights: 

  1. Board Evaluation – Conducting Board Evaluations is Beyond just Ticking a Box. Ditch the tired self-assessments and embrace independent, rigorous board evaluations. Look for an in-depth analysis of board effectiveness, diversity, and risk management. Transparency is key, so consider publishing a summary of the findings.
  2. Governance Audits– Conduct regular governance audits to assess the effectiveness of your board procedures, committees, and risk management frameworks. This ensures your governance practices remain agile and fit-for-purpose, adapting to the ever-changing landscape.  
  3. Ethical Audits –Go beyond compliance and delve into the ethical DNA of your organization. Conduct an ethical audit to identify potential blind spots in decision-making, policies, and culture. This proactive approach can prevent costly scandals and build trust with stakeholders, proving that your board is not just ticking boxes, but truly walking the talk. 
  4. ESG and Carbon Footprint – ESG is a strategic imperative with Investors increasingly prioritizing ESG-focused companies. Integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into your core strategy. Set measurable targets for carbon footprint reduction, diversity and inclusion, and social responsibility.   
  5. E-Board – Embrace the Digital age and Leverage technology to empower your board. Invest in secure, collaborative platforms for document sharing, communication, and meeting management. Embrace virtual board meetings, but remember, human connection is irreplaceable – strike a balance. 
  6. Inclusion – Diversity is not just a Hashtag or a box to tick, it’s a strategic advantage. Foster a board that reflects the communities you serve and the talent pool you attract. Actively seek diverse candidates and nurture an inclusive board culture where all voices are heard and valued. A diverse board brings a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, leading to better decision-making and a more engaged workforce. 

A stronger board isn’t built overnight. It’s a continuous journey of introspection, adaptation, and action. By embracing these trends and committing to continuous improvement, your board can navigate 2024 and emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to lead your organization into a brighter future.