I & M Bank House 3rd Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue

Frequently Asked Questions On Social And Ethical Audits

1.    What it a Social and Ethical Audit?

A Social and Ethical audit involves a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s processes or systems to ensure they comply with ethical requirements, additionally it serves as a means of evaluating the societal impact of various business initiatives.

The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether an organization adheres to industry or societal ethical norms. The Audit is aimed at investigating a business’s practices and transactions to assess its level of adherence to its internal policies, organization’s social and environmental performance, including its impact on stakeholders such as employees, customers, and the community as well as its compliance with external guidelines and nationally recognized ethical standards.

2.   Why are social and ethical audits required?

Social and Ethical Audits allow the Company to see itself through a variety of lenses and captures the Company’s ethical and social profile. Companies are able to recognize the importance of:  their financial profile for their investors, their service profile for their customers, their profile as an employer for their current and potential employees and their company’s profile for the communities impacted by their activities.

A Social and Ethical Audit brings together all of the factors which affect a Company’s reputation and examines the way in which it does business.

Taking a picture of the Company’s value system at a given point in time is beneficial in several ways:

  • Assists to identify areas where ethical violations are occurring such as Discrimination and Harassment, Toxic Workplace Culture, Unethical Leadership, Data Privacy among others, provide a roadmap for addressing them and baseline by which to measure future improvement.
  • Provides Stakeholders the opportunity to clarify their expectations of the Company’s behavior and assists the Company to learn how to meet any societal expectations which are not currently being met.
  •  Enables the Company understand its relationships with key stakeholders such as employees, customers, and shareholders, and to align its values with those of their workforce.
  • Clarifies the actual values to which the Company operates.
  • Assists to mitigate risks, such as legal liability, reputational damage, and loss of business among other benefits.
  • Enhances corporate reputation and assists to make the Company fraud resistant.
  • Enables the Company gain an understanding of the issues which motivate employees and improve staff motivation and morale.
  • Assists to identify general areas of vulnerability, particularly related to lack of openness.
  • It is of great value to multinationals in take-over and merger situations, especially ones which involve partners from different countries where there may be conflicting value systems.

3.   What areas of concern are included in Social and Ethical Audits?

Social and ethical audits generally involve a review of a Company’s policies, procedures, and practices related to social performance, ethical behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Key audit areas in social ethical audits include:

  • Economic – The Audit assesses the costs and benefits of a project or practice, analyzing resource allocation and the impact on community development, healthcare infrastructure, and housing needs in impoverished areas.
  • Environmental – The Audit considers the environmental impact of a project or practice, including potential pollution of soil, water, or air and its effect on human health. A social audit in this area examines the project’s responsible execution.
  • Social risk – The Audit assesses the risk of negative consequences, such as protests, violence, litigation, or criminal activities, and examines specific impacts on marginalized groups, such as indigenous peoples, women, children, and migrants.
  • Community –The Audit examines community-based projects that offer services or employment to residents in a specific area and empowers communities to take ownership of these opportunities.
  • Human Rights- The Audit conducts checks for human rights abuses in certain areas, including child labour, freedom of association and assembly, freedom from discrimination, and indigenous people’s rights.
  • Contracts – The Audit evaluates a project’s impact on individuals under contract with a company, assessing fair pay, humane treatment, and accessibility to medical treatment if injured on the job.
  • Governance and Board Oversight: The effectiveness of the board of directors and its role in setting the tone at the top of the organization is a critical area of review in ethical audits. The audit assesses the board’s composition, independence, and decision-making processes related to ethical and compliance matters.
  • Code of Conduct and Ethics: The code of conduct and ethics is the primary document that sets out a Company’s expectations for ethical behavior. The audit reviews the adequacy of the code of conduct and ethics and assess whether it is effectively communicated and understood by employees.
  • Risk Management: The audit assesses the Company’s risk management processes related to ethical and compliance matters, including the identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks.
  • Whistleblower Program: The audit assesses the effectiveness of the Company’s whistleblower program, including the policies and procedures for reporting and investigating allegations of ethical or legal violations.
  • Vendor and Supplier Management: The audit assesses the Company’s vendor and supplier management processes, including due diligence and monitoring procedures, to ensure that the Company is not working with unethical or non-compliant partners.
  • Employee Training and Communication: The audit assesses the effectiveness of the Company’s employee training and communication programs related to ethical behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

4.   How are Social and Ethical Audits conducted?

Social and Ethical audits are usually conducted by an independent third party and generally involves a comparison between internal and external guidelines with actual behaviors within a Company and involve the following:

  •  Comprehensive evaluations of an organization’s ethical policies, practices, and culture.
  • Interviews with employees, and analysis of data to identify any ethical issues that may be present in the Organization.
  • Review of the organization’s history of ethical violations, as well as any current reports of unethical conduct.
  • Review of the various areas of a Company’s operations, including labour practices, environmental impact, supply chain management, and governance, how a Company discloses its finances, access to Company information, conflicts of interest, bidding and award practices, and the giving and receiving of gifts.
  • Review of charitable contributions this includes information about the organization’s donations to charitable causes, as well as its involvement in philanthropic activities.
  • Review of the organization’s involvement in community service and volunteer work, such as organizing and participating in local events.
  • Assessment of the organization’s communication and decision-making processes to ensure that they are open and transparent.
  • Review of the organization’s policies and practices related to employee safety, health, and well-being.
  • Assessment of the organization’s compensation policies to ensure that they are fair and equitable.
  • Assessment of the organization’s efforts to engage with and support the communities in which it operates.
  • Review of the organization’s policies and practices related to diversity and inclusion, including its hiring practices and employee training programs.
  • Assessment of the organization’s financial reporting practices to ensure that they are accurate and transparent.
  • Review of the values that shape a Company’s ethical culture through daily work practice which can include: integrity, respect, diversity, safety, conscientiousness, creativity.

5.   How do I schedule a Social and Ethical Audit?

At Bellmac Consulting LLP we provide a comprehensive assessment of your Company’s policies, procedures, and operations to identify potential risks and opportunities for improvement.

Our team of experienced auditors follows a rigorous process to ensure that all relevant areas are covered, including but not limited to, contracts, environmental, social risk, community, corporate governance, financial reporting, data privacy, anti-corruption, and human rights.

Additionally, we assist organisations set up automated social and ethical audits and anonymized ethical violation reporting. We also offer Social and Ethical Training.

6.   How are corrective action plans and recommendations managed?

After completing the audit, we provide you with a detailed report that includes actionable recommendations to improve your Company’s social and ethical practices. Our recommendations are specific and practical, taking into account the unique needs and challenges of your business.

We understand that implementing changes can be challenging, and therefore, we provide follow-up support to help you successfully implement our recommendations. Our team of experts are available to answer any questions and provide guidance as needed.